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system enclosures

One of the major challenges of packaging static UPS systems is how to deal with potentially high heat losses from the UPS inverter, whilst at the same time maintaining a stable temperature to ensure long-life and reliability of the battery cells.

Bradgate have the solutions. Where appropriate Bradgate can isolate the batteries in a separate room and offer a combination of fan ventilation, air conditioning and a range of more complex solutions depending on the requirements of the application.

Containerised solutions are particularly appropriate when finding space to install the equipment in existing buildings becomes difficult. Demand for UPS is increasing with the large number of call centres now being created, often in existing buildings which have no provision for additional electrical installations.

Bradgate containers are the obvious answer. In addition, pre-fabricated, ready-to-run solutions from Bradgate avoid disruption on site, and the modules security features prevent unauthorised access to the equipment. The completely weather-proof construction, with bespoke designed ventilation and air conditioning, ensures the right environment for the equipment’s long-term, reliable operation.