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In harsh environments where the climate, location or industrial processes create large amounts of dust, extra protection can be provided by motorised gravity and fixed blade louvres.

Bradgate manufacture a wide range of purpose-built louvres that complement Bradgate products and are suitable for a wide variety of applications. All louvres are manufactured as standard in galvanised steel and Zintec steel, with the option of aluminium or stainless steel versions if specified.

  • Fixed blade louvres help protect industrial plant from adverse weather conditions, and are available in a wide range of purpose built designs
  • Sand trap louvres prevent harmful particles from entering operational areas in dusty or desert climates, and are available in a broad range of sizes and purpose-built designs
  • Penthouse louvres are designed to weather-proof roof apertures or inlets when a generator is installed as an integral part of a building, and can be purpose-built to meet particular specifications