Installation &
Bradgate’s team of experienced installation engineers are highly skilled in a wide range of mechanical and electrical installations. They are qualified to operate anywhere in the world within the current on-site safety regulations and documentation, so customers can be confident of our attention to safe working at all times.
Equipment is ‘packaged’ into purpose-made, pre-fabricated containers, modules or enclosures designed to protect the equipment and employees in challenging locations and climates.
Careful surveying, planning and preparation precede every installation project. Our experienced installation teams are qualified to handle all aspects of the job, including weather sealing and mechanical fit. Bradgate engineers also understand how to work within local planning and environmental regulations to ensure that a solution meets the requirements of regulatory authorities as well as those of the customer.
On-site safety is a priority, wherever in the world our teams are working. Engineers hold the relevant nationally accredited safety passports, and Bradgate’s operations meet the highest safety standards – including EC1TB and C1TB.