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Generator Enclosures: Do You Really Need One?

In present day building designers are looking more and more at ways they can get the most out of every bit of space within a building, and this is leading to generators being placed outside the building. Particularly in large-scale renovations it is cheaper and easier to fit the new generator outdoors and this is where making sure you have the right generator enclosure is key.

Generator enclosures can be grouped into the following types:

Weather-Protective Enclosures

Traditional metal enclosures can offer protection from the rain and wind, whilst providing airflow and ventilation. However this is where weather-protective enclosures out spec them, they can provide protection from changing temperatures and provide the right amount of airflow and ventilation to protect even diesel generators. 

The key to these generator enclosures is that they are weatherproof from their materials to their exact design.

Sound-Attenuating Enclosures

Generator noise reduction enclosures are usually necessary, especially when the generator is in an outdoor area where it’s use would be limited unless noise reduction is built into the enclosure design. This type of outdoor generator enclosure is designed to be taller and larger to allow added insulation in the walls to reduce the level of noise being emitted by the generator inside. 

Many of these soundproof generator enclosures are fitted with a muffler to dissipate loud sounds, minimising disruptions caused by the generator.

Walk-In Enclosures

These generator enclosures are designed to be weatherproof, soundproof, fireproof and fully insulated, because they are custom built to meet the needs of the specific generator and user. 

With the various generator enclosures in mind, what things do you need to think about when designing or looking to purchase one?

  • Soundproofing: how much noise reduction do you need from your generator enclosure?
  • Switchgear: are you looking to house two generators parallel to one another?
  • Airflow: what level of ventilation do you need in your generator enclosure? What exhaust fumes are you trying to reduce or remove?
  • Sizing: how big is the generator and how much space would maintenance personnel need to be able to do their job properly? 

If none of the above has convinced you that you need an outdoor generator enclosure, then check out some of the best reasons for using these simple and economic solutions to generator housing:

  • Weather – harsh weather can not only damage your equipment but can void warranties on generators, costing you more in the long run. These simple housing systems protect your generator from weather conditions like rain, snow, extreme temperature lows/highs and high winds.
  • Noise – no-one wants to live or work by a piece of industrial equipment that constantly hums or emits distracting and sleep depriving noises. In many cases when the noise from a generator is thought to be loud it could be violating local noise ordinances, so by using a generator acoustic enclosure with a muffler the noise level is kept to a minimum.
  • Wildlife – these enclosures prevent animals like squirrels and rodents from getting in and prevents birds from nesting, keeping the generator free from contaminants and unnecessary dust.
  • Security – these outdoor generator enclosures prevent inquisitive people from getting to the generator and potentially getting trapped, as well as preventing any potential theft of the equipment.
  • Aesthetics – generators are considered an eye-sore depending on where it is located and who is looking at it, by having a generator enclosure around it, it can blend into its surroundings and be more appealing to the eye.

The reasons to invest in an outdoor generator enclosure are vast and relate to a wide range of sectors. Think smart, think ahead, generator enclosures are for you.

With over 25 years’ experience, Bradgate Containers Ltd is a market leader in the design, manufacture, and installation of purpose-built electrical equipment modules housing industrial equipment for noise control, safety, or environmental protection. Our generator enclosures are individually designed for each customer’s needs, and we offer services and back-up that ensure the equipment can be installed and working on site as quickly as possible. 

All enclosures are sealed and finished to the customer’s colour scheme, and it is recommended that demountable enclosures receive their final paint finish after installation on site. Housing your generator has never been easier!

Bradgate Containers offer technically designed and manufactured generator enclosures to suit every client. For more information call 01509 508678 or enquire online today!