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Control instrument &

switchgear modules

Working to customers’ specifications, Bradgate design and build modules to house all kinds of control and instrumentation systems, installing all internally mounted mechanical or electrical equipment – whether supplied by Bradgate or free-issued by the customer or end-user.

Switchgear modules are specifically designed to accommodate MV and LV switchgear, UPS, VSD’s, transformers and similar electrical equipment. They can also be designed as complete substation modules.

Modules are supplied complete with the lighting, small power, fire detection/alarm systems, heating and ventilation. They are structurally designed to be lifted and transported with electrical equipment installed – which minimises the time and testing required during site installation. Bradgate tests the complete module with the end-user to ensure it is fully ready for operation when it arrives on site.

Switchgear enclosures come complete with the lighting, small power, fire detection/alarm systems, heating and ventilation to meet customers’ requirements and to provide a suitable environment for reliable, long-term operation of the installed equipment. They are structurally designed to be lifted and transported with electrical equipment installed – which minimises the time and testing required during site installation.